Please note - login required

To make a purchase you need to first login to your account using the login name and password you have previously used (e.g. for Intro Walk registration or later).

If you have not yet created your account then do so here: create account.

Purchase and Register

Introductory walks for this season are now finished as we are approaching the hotter months & at the end of the 'Winter' bushwalking season. If you are interested in doing an Introductory walk they will be available from late March / early April 2025 depending upon weather conditions.

To purchase an Introductory walk voucher and register for a walk, please complete the 3 steps below:

1) Create or log in to your online account.

If you have not previously created an account, please do so here: Create an online account  (via the menu on the home page).

If you already have an account, please login to your account using your login name and password.

2) Purchase a Voucher. 

Go to the "Add to Cart" button below.

You can pay using either a credit card or an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT Bank transfer). Please note that we do not accept AMEX or Diners Club cards.

If paying by EFT, use your surname and "Intro walk" as a reference. No responsibility will be taken by the Club for funds deposited that aren’t identifiable. It may take a few days for your EFT payment to be finalised.

Note: Purchase one voucher per person. Partners and friends need their own member profile and account.

Vouchers are non-refundable.

3) Register for a walk.

After you have purchased your voucher you will be able to access “Upcoming Intro Walks,” which details information about the upcoming Introductory walk program. Simply register yourself onto a walk.

You will receive an email providing important information to ensure you are well prepared to participate in the activity. 

Please also read the information on our 'Becoming a member' page to find out more about what to bring.

Note: Keep a record of the Username and Password you have used for creating your account. You will need these for logging back into the website to purchase membership after your walk.
