Club Meeting - Mel Lintern: the Larapinta Trail
Wednesday 04 September 2019, 07:30pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 186
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Contact Lisa Pickering, email:; mob: 0439 920 149

Mel Lintern has just completed the Larapinta Trail in the Northern Territory.

This world class walk is becoming increasingly popular amongst bushwalkers from interstate and overseas and a number of Perth Bushwalker members have already experienced its beauty and ruggedness.

The walk is all about getting ready for the conditions (physically and equipment) and knowing what to expect.

Mel will go over the practicalities of preparing for the walk and its execution. He will complete his presentation by showing some of the highlights of this extraordinary 223 km walk

If you have been thinking of doing it, this is a chance to find out more.

7.30pm (tea and coffee) for an 8pm start.

Visitors welcome.

Location Swan House, Heathcote Reserve, Applecross.