PBW Club Social - Guest Speaker Dave Osborne
Thursday 04 February 2021, 06:30pm - 09:00pm
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Contact Michele Frost

Dave Osborne is a Past President of Perth BushWalkers, the Creator of WalkGPS and the President of HikeWest, our peak Bushwalking Body of WA.

Refreshments from 6:30pm and Dave's talk will begin at 7:00pm. Derbal Yerrigan Swan House , Heathcote Precinct, Applecross

Dave is an inspiring WA Bushwalking Advocate, and he will enrich your understanding of the beauty of walking in WA and the Impact of proposed mining will have on our bushwalking future.

Come, learn and support Dave's work.

Would appreciate bookings via email michelefrost0@gmail.com, so we can plan refreshments and the evening . Thankyou

Location Derbal Yerrigan Swan House, Heathcote Precinct Applecross
6.30 pm Refreshments
7pm Presentation